EV Incentives by States
Federal Tax Credit

- Statewide - residents get up to $7000 for purchase/lease of new, eligible zero-emission or plug-in hybrid light-duty vehicle. Read more here.
- Statewide - through the Hybrid Truck and Bus Voice Incentive Project (HVIP), the California Air Resources Board provides vouchers to eligible fleets to reduce the incremental cost of qualified medium- and heavy-duty HEVs and ZEVs at the time of purchase. Vouchers are available on a first-come, first-served basis and range from $2500 to $117000. Only fleets that operate vehicles in California are eligible. Read more here.
- San Diego - gives eligible residents the opportunity to be preapproved for a CVRP rebate prior to purchasing or leasing an eligible vehicle. Read more here.
- San Diego - San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) offers lower rates to customers for electricity used to charge PEVs. SDG&E's PEV Time-of-Use rates are available in two variations: EV-TOU-2 bills home and vehicle electricity use on a single meter; and EV-TOU bills vehicle electricity use separately, requiring the installation of a second meter. Lower rates are also available to customers who own a natural gas vehicle and use a qualified compressed natural gas fueling appliance at home. Read more here.
- Burbank - install a charging stations and get a rebate up to $500 for residential and up to $2000 for commercial. Read more here.
- Bay Area - $2500 per light-duty zero-emission vehicle, including battery electric vehicles (BEV) and fuel cell hydrogen vehicles (FCH); $1000 per light-duty plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV); $500 per zero-emission neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV); and $2500 per zero-emission motorcycle (ZEM). Read more here.
- Hybrid Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project - the California Air Resources Board provides vouchers to eligible fleets to reduce the incremental cost of qualified medium- and heavy-duty HEVs and ZEVs at the time of purchase. Vouchers are available on a first-come, first-served basis and range from $2,500 to $117,000. Only fleets that operate vehicles in California are eligible. Read more here.
- Clean Vehicle Rebate Project - offers rebates for the purchase or lease of qualified vehicles. Qualified vehicles are light-duty zero emission vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) the California Air Resources Board (ARB) has approved or certified. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis to individuals, business owners, and government entities in California that purchase or lease new eligible vehicles. Manufacturers must apply to ARB to have their vehicles included in the CVRP.
For vehicles purchased on or after March 29, 2016, eligibility for the rebate for individuals is based on gross annual income, as stated on the individual's federal tax return. Individuals with a gross annual income above the following thresholds are only eligible for rebates for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs):
$150,000 for single filers
$204,000 for head-of-household filers
$300,000 for joint filers
For individuals with low and moderate household incomes of less than or equal to 300% of the federal poverty level, rebates are increased by $2,000, for a total rebate amount of up to $7,000. Increased rebates are available for ARB-approved FCEVs, PHEVs, and battery electric vehicles. ARB determines annual funding amounts for the CVRP, which is expected to be effective through 2023. ARB must submit a report to the State Legislature on the environmental and economic impacts of the CVRP by December 31, 2018. Read more here. - Public Fleet Pilot Project - offers rebates to eligible state and local public entities for the purchase of qualified light-duty fleet vehicles located in disadvantaged communities. The rebates are for up to $5,250 for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, $10,000 for battery electric vehicles, and $15,000 for fuel-cell electric vehicles the California Air Resources Board (ARB) has certified. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Manufacturers must apply to ARB to have their vehicles included in the PFPP. Each entity may receive up to 30 rebates annually and cannot receive California Vehicle Rebate Project incentives for the same vehicle. Only individuals with low and moderate household incomes will receive rebates. All other applicants will be put on a wait list. Read more here.
- California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project - funded by the California Energy Commission, provides guidance and funding for local governments and organizations to develop and implement EVSE incentive programs that help meet regional needs for Level 2 and DC fast chargers. CALeVIP evaluates proposed EVSE incentive programs and solicits input from stakeholders to guide the development and implementation of the programs. CALeVIP also provides the incentive funding for each program. Read more here.
- Electric Vehicle Charging Station Financing Program - part of the California Capital Access Program (CalCAP), provides loans for the design, development, purchase, and installation of EVSE at small business locations in California. The Program may provide up to 100% coverage to lenders on certain loan defaults. Lenders must apply to the California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) to participate and enroll each qualified EVSE loan through CalCAP. Upon approval, CPCFA will pay a premium into the lender's loan loss reserve account for up to 20% of the loan amount and contribute an additional 10% for installations in multi-unit dwellings and disadvantaged communities.
Small businesses are eligible for a rebate of 50% of the loan loss reserve amount after the small business repays the loan in full or meets monthly payment deadlines over a 48-month period. Eligible borrowers must be small businesses with 1,000 or fewer employees and must maintain legal control of the EVSE for the entire loan period. The maximum loan amount is $500,000 per qualified small business and can be insured for up to four years.
The California Energy Commission funds the Program. Read more here.
- Fresno County - funded by the California Energy Commission, offers rebates of up to $400 for single port EVSE and up to $7,000 for dual port EVSE towards the purchase and installation of the unit. Eligible applicants include businesses, non-profit organizations, or government entities based in California, or with a California-based affiliate, as well as property owners or entities with property owner authorization to install EVSE. Qualifying installation sites are commercial, workplace, multi-unit dwelling, or public facilities located in Fresno County. Read more here.
- South Coast - the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee's (MSRC) Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Incentive Pilot Program offers rebates of up to $250 towards the purchase of a qualified residential Level 2 EVSE. Additional rebates of up to $250 are available for low-income residents. Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis to residents within the SCAQMD jurisdiction. Additional terms and conditions apply. Read more here.
- Pacific Gas and Electric - provides rebates of $500 to residential customers who purchase or lease an eligible PEV. Residential account holders may apply on behalf of a PEV owner in their household or their tenant in a multifamily household with the vehicle owner's permission. Read more here.
- Southern California - Southern California Edison (SCE) provides rebates of $450 to residential customers who purchase or lease an eligible new or pre-owned PEV. Residential account holders may apply on behalf of a PEV owner in their household. Read more here.
- Southern California - Southern California Edison (SCE) offers a discounted rate to customers for electricity used to charge PEVs. Two rate schedules are available for PEV charging during on- and off-peak hours, the Residential Time-of-Use Plan and the Electric Vehicle Plan. Read more here.
- Los Angeles - The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) offers a $0.025 per kilowatt-hour discount for electricity used to charge PEVs during off-peak times. Residential customers who install a separate time-of-use meter panel will also receive a $250 credit. Read more here.
- Statewide - Electricity used to charge PEVs at a state-owned parking facility is exempt from California law prohibiting gifting public money or items of value. Read more here.
- Statewide - Alabama Power offers a Business Electric Vehicle Time-of-Use (BEVT) rate for electricity purchased to charge PEVs used for fleet purposes. The electricity used for vehicle charging is metered separately from all other electricity use. Alabama Power offers a Residential PEV rate for customers that can verify possession of a qualified PEV. Read more here.
- Statewide - SRP customers are eligible for a $3000 rebate for the purchase of a new 2018 Nissan LEAF at participating dealerships. Rebates are available through September 30, 2018. Read more here.
- Statewide - experimental time-of-use (TOU) electricity rate for the first 10,000 customers with a qualified PEV. The TOU rate is for the super off-peak hours between 11pm and 5am daily. Participation is subject to certain equipment availability for other restrictions. Read more here.
- Statewide - rebate to business customers who purchase and install Level 2 EVSE for use by their employees. The rebate is $500 per Level 2 EVSE charging port installed, limited to 12 per business. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Read more here.
- Statewide - offers a discounted residential service time-of-use (TOU) rate during off-peak periods to customers who own and operate a PEV. The discount is a 5% reduction to applicable charges during the off-peak period. Eligible customers must provide documentation for a highway-approved PEV and submit a copy of the PEV's registration annually. Read more here.
- Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Tax Credit - Light-duty PEVs purchased, leased, or converted between January 1, 2017, and January 1, 2022, are eligible for a tax credit equal to the amounts below:
Category 2017-2019 2020 2021
Light-duty EV or PHEV $5,000 for purchase or conversion; $2,500 for lease $4,000 for purchase or conversion; $2,000 for lease $2,500 for purchase or conversion; $1,500 for lease
Light-duty electric truck $7,000 for purchase or conversion; $3,500 for lease $5,500 for purchase or conversion; $2,750 for lease $3,500 for purchase or conversion; $1,750 for lease
Medium-duty electric truck $10,000 for purchase or conversion; $5,000 for lease $8,000 for purchase or conversion; $4,000 for lease $5,000 for purchase or conversion; $2,500 for lease
Heavy-duty electric truck $20,000 for purchase or conversion; $10,000 for lease $16,000 for purchase or conversion; $8,000 for lease $10,000 for purchase or conversion; $5,000 for lease
The credit amount for any qualifying truck is limited to the difference in manufacturer's suggested retail price between the qualifying truck and a comparable truck that operates on either gasoline or diesel fuel. The credit claimed for converting a truck to a qualifying truck is limited to the cost of conversion.
Eligible purchased vehicles must be new, and eligible leased vehicles must have a lease with a term of not less than two years. A purchaser may assign the tax credit generated through the purchase, lease, or conversion to any of the above categories of vehicle to the financing entity, allowing the purchaser to realize the value of the tax credit at the time of purchase, lease, or conversion. The financing entity may collect an administrative fee of no more than $150. Read more here. - Charge Ahead Colorado - The Colorado Energy Office (CEO) and Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) provide grants through the Charge Ahead Colorado program to support PEV and EVSE adoption by individual drivers and fleets. Both CEO and RAQC grants will fund 80% of the cost of EVSE, up to $9,000 for a dual port Level 2 station and up to $30,000 for a DC fast charging station. Eligible DC fast stations must have both CHAdeMO and SAE CCS J1772 connectors and be capable of providing at least 50 kilowatts to one vehicle.
CEO administers grants outside the Denver Metro Area while RAQC administers grants inside the Denver Metro Area. RAQC also provides funding for 80% of the incremental cost for qualified PEVs, up to $8,260. Eligible EVSE applicants are local governments, including school districts; state/federal agencies; public universities; public transit agencies; private non-profit or for-profit corporations; landlords of multi-family apartment buildings; and owners associations of common interest communities. For vehicle funding, priority will be given to organizations that are excluded from the Colorado Innovative Motor Vehicle Credit. Read more here.
- Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate Program - offers rebates for the incremental cost of the purchase or lease of a hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV), all-electric vehicle (EV), or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV). Read more here.
- Statewide - electric vehicles are eligible for a reduced biennial vehicle registration for $38. Read more here.
- Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control - offers rebates for new EVSE purchased for use at commercial and residential locations.
Rebate amounts are 50% of the cost of a residential charging station, up to $500, and 75% of the cost of a commercial or workplace charging station, up to $2,500 or $5,000, respectively.
Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis to Delaware residents, businesses, organizations, and government entities. Rebates are limited to six EVSE per fleet and one EVSE per individual. Read more here. - Delmarva - Delmarva customers are eligible for a $10,000 rebate for the purchase of a new BMW i3 or i3s. Rebates are available through July 31, 2018. To receive the rebate, bring the Customer Information Form (PDF) and a recent Delmarva utility bill to a local dealership.
Delmarva customers and eligible employees can receive a $3,000 rebate for the purchase of a new 2018 Nissan LEAF. Read more here. - EZ-EV - an Exelon program, offers discounts for the purchase or lease of select PEVs through participating dealers. Read more here.
- PECO - PECO provides rebates of $50 to residential customers who purchase a new, qualified PEV. Read more here.
Washington, DC
- Reduced fees - A new motor vehicle with a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimated average city fuel economy of at least 40 miles per gallon is eligible for a reduced vehicle registration fee of $36. This reduced rate applies to the first two years of registration and only the original purchaser, as denoted by the Manufacturer Certificate of Origin, is eligible. Read more here.
- Statewide - local governments may offer funding to property owners within their jurisdiction to help finance EVSE installations on their property or enter into a financing agreement for the same purpose. Read more here.
- Sarasota County - ChargeUP! Sarasota County offers rebates to businesses, non-profits, and local governments within Sarasota County for the installation of qualified Level 2 or DC fast charging EVSE. Businesses are eligible for a rebate of 25% of the cost of EVSE purchase and installation, up to $2,000, and non-profits or government organizations are eligible for a rebate of 50% of the cost of EVSE purchase and installation, up to $4,000. Qualified EVSE must be level 2 or DC fast charging stations, publicly available for at least 8 hours a day, and located in targeted locations that do not currently have EVSE. Read more here.
- Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA) - offers rebates for new PEVs purchased or leased on or after September 18, 2014. PEVs with a battery less than 15 kilowatt-hours (kWh) in capacity receive $500, and PEVs with larger battery capacity are eligible for $1,000. Read more here.
- Orlando Utilities Commision (OUC) - provides rebates of $200 to residential customers who purchase or lease an eligible new or preowned PEV. Read more here.
- Georgia Power - offers a Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) time-of-use electricity rate for residential customers who own an electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. Read more here.
- Statewide - Qualified PEVs affixed with special state-issued PEV license plates may use HOV lanes regardless of the number of passengers and are exempt from parking fees charged by any state or county authority. PEVs displaying state PEV license plates are also exempt from parking fees, except when parked at a meter for more than 2.5 hours or the maximum time allowed to park, whichever is longer. Read more here.
- Hawaiian Electric Company - offer time-of-use rates for residential and commercial customers with PEVs and electric vehicle supply equipment. The pilot rates are available to customers on Oahu, in Maui County, and on the Island of Hawaii. Read more here.
- Statewide - Electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and hybrid electric vehicles are exempt from state motor vehicle inspection and maintenance programs. Read more here.
- Co-op Members - Cooperative (Co-op) members are eligible for loan financing at 0.5% for 60 months or the purchase of new PEVs. Members must apply and be approved for financing before purchase. The Co-op also offers a PEV time-of-use electricity rate for residential customers who own PEV. The PEV rate is optional and does require installation of a separate meter. Read more here.
- Statewide - The owner of a dedicated EV may register for a discounted registration fee not to exceed $35 for a two-year registration period. The registration fee for an EV may not exceed $9 per year. To qualify for the reduced fee, the EV must weigh 8,000 pounds or less and be propelled by an electric engine. Read more here.
- Statewide - Vehicles powered exclusively by electricity are exempt from state motor vehicle emissions inspections. Read more here.
- NIPSCO - customers and employees are eligible for a $3,000 rebate for the purchase of a new 2018 Nissan LEAF. To receive the rebate, show proof of NIPSCO employment or a copy of a NIPSCO bill at participating Nissan dealerships with the Fleet Certification Code B46251. Rebates are available through September 30, 2018. Read more here.
- Indianapolis - The Indianapolis Power & Light Co (IPL) offers special PEV charging rates, including year-round time-of-use based options, for residential and fleet customers who own a licensed PEV. Customers who are considering purchasing Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment should contact IPL to discuss the benefits and requirements of participating in the program. Read more here.
- NIPSCO In-Charge At-Home Electric Vehicle Program - offers a reduced rate for plug-in electric vehicle charging during off-peak hours for those enrolled in the Program. The Program is in effect until December 31, 2018. Read more here.
- Alliant Energy - offers rebates of $500 for the purchase or lease of a new PEV and $250 for the purchase or lease of a used PEV. The PEV must be purchased or leased between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2018. Read more here.
- Alliant Energy - offers a rebate to commercial and industrial customers who purchase and install Level 2 EVSE for use by their employees or the public. The rebate is $1,000 for the purchase of a single connector EVSE, and $1,500 for a dual connector EVSE.
- Plug-In Electric Vehicle Tax Credit - Qualified PEV purchasers may apply for a tax credit against the imposed excise tax. The tax credit is limited to one vehicle per individual and 10 vehicles per business entity. Vehicles must be registered in Maryland, unless the vehicle manufacturer conforms to applicable state or federal laws or regulations governing clean fuel vehicles or PEVs during the year in which the vehicle was purchased, or the vehicle was originally registered in another state. A qualified vehicle must meet the following criteria:
Have a total purchase price not exceeding $60,000;
Be propelled to a significant extent by an electric motor that draws electricity from a battery with a capacity of at least five kilowatt-hours (kWh);
Have not been modified from original manufacturer specifications; and be purchased on or after July 1, 2017. Vehicles purchased new and titled for the first time between July 1, 2017, and July 1, 2020, are eligible for a credit up to $3,000, calculated as $100 per kWh of battery capacity. Read more here. - Statewide - Permitted PEVs may operate in any Maryland HOV lanes regardless of the number of occupants. Qualified PEVs must have a maximum speed capability of at least 65 miles per hour. Permitted hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) may operate in the Route 50 HOV lane only, regardless of the number of occupants. To operate in HOV lanes, PEV and HEV owners must obtain a permit from the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA). The cost of the permit may not exceed $20. Each year the MDOT MVA and the State Highway Administration must report PEV use in HOV lanes to the governor. This exemption expires September 30, 2019, for HEVs and September 30, 2022, for PEVs. Read more here.
- Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - offers a time-of-use (TOU) rate for BGE residential customers who purchase or lease a PEV. The TOU rate, Schedule EV, applies to the energy used for the entire residence during a billing period. Participation requires a meter capable of measuring TOU data. Read more here.
- Pepco - offers a time-of-use rate to all qualified Pepco residential customers in Maryland who own or lease a PEV. Read more here.
- Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) Program - offers rebates of up to $2,500 to customers purchasing or leasing a PEV or zero emission motorcycle. Rebates are only available to Massachusetts residents and residents must submit applications within three months of the vehicle purchase or lease date. Applicants must retain ownership of the vehicle for a minimum of 36 months. Read more here.
- Statewide - vehicles powered exclusively by electricity are exempt from state motor vehicle emissions inspections. Read more here.
- Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (MassEVIP) - provides grants for 50% of the cost of Level 1 or Level 2 workplace EVSE, up to $25,000. Eligible applicants include employers with 15 or more employees in a non-residential place of business. Read more here.
- Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (MassEVIP) - provides grants for the purchase or lease of qualified PEVs, zero emission electric motorcycles (ZEMs), and Level 2 EVSE. Grants are available for up to $7,500 for the purchase or lease of a PEV, up to $13,500 for the purchase or lease of Level 2 EVSE, and up to $750 for the purchase or lease of a ZEM. Eligible applicants include local governments, public universities and colleges, and state agencies. Read more here.
- Mass Energy's Drive Green Program - provides discounts on qualified PEVs purchased or leased from participating dealerships. The discount program is available to all consumers, including those that are not in Mass Energy's service territory. Read more here.
- Indiana Michigan Power - offers a special time-of-use rate option to residential customers who own a qualified PEV. Indiana Michigan Power also provides rebates of up to $2,500 to residential customers who purchase or lease a new PEV and install a Level 2 EVSE with a separate meter. Customers must also sign up for the Indiana Michigan Power PEV time-of-use rate. The rebate is available to the first 250 qualified customers who submit a completed application. Read more here.
- Consumers Energy - offers a special time-of-use rate option for PEV owners. Read more here.
- DTE Energy - offers two rate options to qualified residential customers for charging PEVs. The PEV time-of-use rate is available to customers using Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment and requires a separate meter, which DTE provides. The flat rate option is $46.28 per month for each PEV. Read more here.
- Xcel Energy - offers two rate options to qualified residential customers for charging PEVs. The Electric Vehicle (EV) Rate and the Time-of-Day Plan are optional and require a separate meter. Read more here.
- Great River Energy's Revolt Initiative - offers the ability to power a PEV with 100% wind energy for the lifetime of the vehicle. The program requires no additional cost, however standard or off-peak rates still apply for the electricity used. Read more here.
- Dakota Electric - members enrolled in the ChargeWise program receive a reduced rate for the electricity used to charge PEVs between specified off-peak hours. Installation of a ChargeWise circuit is required. Read more here.
- Connexus Energy - offers a $500 rebate to residential customers towards the installation of a qualified Level 2 EVSE. Eligible applicants must enroll in a time-of-use rate. Read more here.
- Connexus Energy - offers reduced electric rates to residential customers in their service territory who charge PEVs. To participate, customers may contact their own electrician or Connexus Energy's electrician to install the metering equipment. The meter must be permitted and inspected. Read more here.
- Nevada Energy - offers discounted electricity rates to residential customers in their Northern and Southern Service Territories who charge PEVs during off-peak hours. The discounted rate applies to all electricity use on the premises during off-peak hours. To participate, customers must allow NV Energy access to their electric meters. Read more here.
- Statewide - AFVs are exempt from Nevada's emissions testing requirements. A new HEV is exempt from emissions inspection testing for the first five model years, after which the vehicle must comply with emissions inspection testing requirements on an annual basis. Read more here.
New Hampshire
- New Hampshire Electric Co-op - offers rebates for residential and commercial customers to install EVSE. Residential customers may receive a rebate of up to $300 to install EVSE and a separate electric meter. Commercial customers may receive a rebate of 50% of the installed cost, up to $2,500, per EVSE unit to install a maximum of two Level 2 or DC fast chargers and a required separate electric meter. EVSE must be installed within the NHEC service territory. Read more here.
- New Hampshire Electric Co-op - offers a residential off-peak rate program for electricity purchased to charge PEVs. The electricity used for vehicle charging is metered separately from all other electricity use. Read more here.
New Jersey
- Statewide - ZEVs sold, rented, or leased in New Jersey are exempt from state sales and use tax. This exemption is not applicable to partial ZEVs, including hybrid electric vehicles. ZEVs are defined as vehicles that meet California Air Resources Board zero emissions standards for that model year. Read more here.
- New York Clean Pass Program - Vehicles eligible for the New York Clean Pass Program, including PEVs and hybrid electric vehicles, receive a discounted toll rate on all Port Authority of New York and New Jersey off-peak hour crossings. Vehicles must register with E-Z Pass New York. Read more here.
- EZ-EV - an Exelon program, offers discounts for the purchase or lease of select PEVs through participating dealers. Read more here.
New York
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority - provides rebates of up to $2,000 for the purchase or lease of a new eligible plug-in electric vehicle. An eligible vehicle must:
Be a four-wheeled motor vehicle manufactured for use on public streets, roads, and highways,
Have a gross vehicle weight rating of not more than 8,500 pounds,
Have a maximum speed of at least 55 mph, and be propelled at least in part by an electric motor and associated power electronics that draws electricity from a hydrogen fuel cell or from a battery that has a battery capacity of at least four kilowatt-hours, and is capable of being charged from an external source of electricity. Rebate amounts vary based on a vehicle's all-electric range and manufacturer's suggested retail price. Read more here. - Statewide - Vehicles powered exclusively by electricity are exempt from state motor vehicle emissions inspections. Read more here.
- New York Clean Pass Program - eligible plug-in electric and hybrid electric vehicles may use the Long Island Expressway HOV lanes, regardless of the number of occupants in the vehicle. Vehicles must display the Clean Pass vehicle sticker, which is available from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. This exemption expires September 30, 2019. Read more here.
- New York Clean Pass Program - eligible vehicles receive a discounted toll rate on all Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ) off-peak hour crossings. Vehicles must register with E-ZPass New York. Drivers of qualified vehicles may also receive a 10% discount on established E-ZPass accounts with proof of registration. This exemption expires September 30, 2019. Read more here.
- EZ-EV - an Exelon program, offers discounts for the purchase or lease of select PEVs through participating dealers. Read more here.
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority - in partnership with EV Connect, offers rebates for municipalities, businesses, workplaces, retail locations, universities, schools, hospitals, and public parking facilities to purchase and install General Electric EVSE. Rebate amounts are up to $8,000 per EVSE unit. EV Connect will also provide EVSE management services. EVSE must be installed within the state of New York. Read more here.
- Voluntary TOU Rate - residential customers will pay a reduced price for electricity used during the designated off-peak period. Customers who register a PEV with Con Edison and are participating in the voluntary TOU rate are guaranteed to pay no more than the standard electric rate for one year after registration with Con Edison. Read more here.
North Carolina
- Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Project - provides grant funding to reducing transportation-related emissions in nonattainment and maintenance counties for National Ambient Air Quality Standards. A project that is adjacent to these areas may also be eligible for funding if the project will reduce emissions in eligible counties. The North Carolina Department of Transportation funds the CFAT project, which covers three broad areas: education and outreach; project funding; and recognition of exemplary activities. For 2016-2017 funding cycles, financial support is available for AFVs, fueling infrastructure, idle reduction technologies, vehicle telematics, and diesel retrofits. Read more here.
- Statewide - qualified plug-in electric vehicles, dedicated natural gas vehicles, and fuel cell electric vehicles may use North Carolina HOV lanes, regardless of the number of occupants. This exemption expires September 30, 2019. Read more here.
- Statewide - qualified PEVs and FCEVs are exempt from state emissions inspection requirements. Read more here.
- Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) - offers competitive grants for the acquisition, installation, operation, and maintenance of DC fast charging equipment and hydrogen fuel cell infrastructure. The DC fast chargers must be installed at public locations, workplaces, or multi-unit dwellings. The hydrogen fuel cell equipment must be available to the public. Grant reimbursement amounts and additional terms and conditions will be provided in the forthcoming program guidelines (verified June 2018). This grant program is funded by Pennsylvania's portion of the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust. Read more here.
- Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) - offers rebates for the installation of Level 2 EVSE. Rebates will be provided for Level 2 chargers at workplaces or multi-unit dwellings. DEP must approve all project applications and will process rebates on a first-come, first-served basis. Maximum reimbursement amounts and additional terms and conditions will be provided in the forthcoming program guidelines (verified June 2018). This rebate program is funded by Pennsylvania's portion of the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust. Read more here.
- EZ-EV - an Exelon program, offers discounts for the purchase or lease of select PEVs through participating dealers. Read more here.
- PECO - provides rebates of $50 to residential customers who purchase a new, qualified PEV. Read more here.
Rhode Island
- Charge Up! Program - provides rebates to state and municipal agencies for the purchase and installation of publicly accessible Level 2 or DC fast chargers. Agencies are eligible for up to $60,000 in incentives for EVSE that are installed and operational on or after July 1, 2016. Agencies that install EVSE also qualify for up to $15,000 to support the purchase or lease of a new PEV acquired on or after July 1, 2016, as part of their public sector fleet. Read more here.
- PP&L's Drive Green Program - provides discounts on qualified PEVs purchased or leased from participating dealerships. The discount program is available to all consumers, including those that are not in PP&L's service territory. Read more here.
- Statewide - Vehicles that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines as Inherently Low Emission Vehicles or Low Emission and Energy-Efficient Vehicles and have gross vehicle weight ratings of 26,000 pounds or less are permitted use of HOV lanes regardless of the number of occupants. Such vehicles must display a Tennessee Department of Revenue decal. This exemption expires September 30, 2019.
- Austin - Austin Energy offers a pilot time-of-use charging rate to residential customers with PEVs and electric vehicle supply equipment. Read more here.
- Austin - Plug-in electric vehicle owners in the Austin Energy service area may be eligible for a rebate of 50% of the cost to purchase and install a qualified Level 2 EVSE, up to $1,500. Read more here.
- Rocky Mountain Power - offers residential customers with PEVs $200 to enroll in a time-of-use (TOU) rate pilot. Participants may choose between two rate plans. The TOU rate will apply to all household energy use. Read more here.
- Statewide - Vehicles operating on propane, natural gas, or electricity are permitted to use HOV lanes, regardless of the number of passengers. Qualified vehicles must display the special clean fuel decal issued by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT); a limited number of decals are available. This exemption expires September 30, 2019. Read more here.
- Green Mountain Power - GMP residential customers are eligible for a free Level 2 EVSE when they purchase a new all-electric vehicle (EV). Residential customers that already own an EV may rent a Level 2 EVSE station at a low monthly fee. In addition, customers may enroll in GMP's EV Unlimited Plan for unlimited EV charging during off-peak hours at a flat monthly fee. Read more here.
- Statewide - Alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) displaying the Virginia Clean Special Fuel license plate may use Virginia HOV lanes, regardless of the number of occupants. For HOV lanes serving the I-66 corridor, only registered vehicles displaying Clean Special Fuel license plates issued before July 1, 2011, are exempt from HOV lane requirements. For express lanes serving the I-95/I-395 corridor, registered vehicles displaying Clean Special Fuel license plates are not exempt from HOV lane occupancy requirements, but may use the lanes toll-free if equipped with an E-ZPass Flex set to "HOV" mode. Vehicles displaying Clean Special Fuel license plates are exempt from the Dulles Toll Road HOV lane requirements. Eligible vehicles include dedicated AFVs and some hybrid electric vehicles; see the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles website for a complete list of qualifying vehicles. The annual fee for Clean Special Fuel license plates is $25 in addition to the prescribed fee for commonwealth license plates. This exemption expires September 30, 2019. Read more here.
- Washington State Department of Transportation - WSDOT has developed a pilot funding program to strengthen and expand the West Coast Electric Highway network by deploying direct current (DC) fast charging infrastructure along highway corridors in Washington. The first phase of the pilot program is July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019. The program is not currently accepting applications (verified February 2018). For more information, see the WSDOT's Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure website. Read more here.
- Statewide - Public lands used for installing, maintaining, and operating EV infrastructure are exempt from leasehold excise taxes until January 1, 2020. Additionally, the state sales and use taxes do not apply to plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) batteries; labor and services for installing, repairing, altering, or improving PEV batteries and EV infrastructure; and the sale of property used for EV infrastructure. Read more here.
- Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission - The Commission may not regulate the rates, services, facilities, or practices of an entity that offers battery charging facilities to the public for hire. The exemption does not apply if the entity is otherwise subject to Commission jurisdiction as an electrical company, or if an entity's battery charging facilities and services are subsidized by any regulated service. A utility may offer battery charging facilities as a regulated service, subject to Commission approval. Read more here.
- Alliant Energy - offers a rebate to commercial and industrial customers who purchase and install Level 2 EVSE for use by their employees or the public. The rebate is $1,000 for the purchase of a single connector EVSE, and $1,500 for a dual connector EVSE. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Read more here.
- Federal Tax Credits are available for new all-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Tax credits up to $7,500 vary based on the capacity of the battery used to power the vehicle. Read more here.